I am a freelance Web Developer!
I like what I do and I am aware of my knowledge level.
I prefer to be honest about my skills. Many developers will accept your offer just to get some money, but if I feel like I am not fit for the job, I will be the first one to tell you.

Full Stack Web Developer, SEO Specialist and Accessibility Expert
“I eat bread and problem solving for breakfast”
I work on websites both on the front-end and back-end sides. I know HTML, CSS and Javascript, but also PHP and SQL. I have experience with MySQL and PostgreSQL in particular.
Here is a quick look at my profile:
- Country: 🇮🇹 Italy 🤌
- Age: 31 and growing
- Languages: 🇮🇹 IT, 🇬🇧 EN, 🇪🇸 ES
- Javascript
- Accessibility
- Hobbies: Videogames, anime, manga, books
- O.S.: Windows, Linux, Android
- Office softwares: LibreOffice, Microsoft Office
- Image editing: Photoshop, Gimp
- Video editing: Vegas Pro
For the extended list of skills and knowledge, see below.
I have a deep knowledge of websites, software and hardware.
- HTML 100%
- CSS 100%
- JavaScript 80%
- jQuery 90%
- PHP 100%
- SQL 80%
- SEO 100%
- ElasticSearch 50%
- Searching things on Google 100%
- Using Stackoverflow as source of knowledge 82%
- Web Accessibility 100%
- Laravel 75%
- CodeIgniter 85%
- Symfony 80%
- WordPress 90%
- Photoshop 75%
- Vegas Pro 75%
- Hosting management 85%
- Matomo 90%
- Neos CMS 65%
Additional skills
I also have mixed experience with:
- VisualBasic
- C++
- Solidity
- Rust
- Joomla
- Drupal
- MailUp
- Android
- Custom ROMs
- CarbonROM
- LineageOS
- macOS
- iOS
- Web Hosting
- Game Hosting
- cPanel
- DirectAdmin
- Apache
- Thunderbird
- Outlook
- RoundCube
- Jitsi Meet
- OBS Studio
Here is a resume of my experiences and certifications:
Christian Marongiu
Full Stack Web Developer with 10+ years of experience in developing responsive, accessible, usable and modern websites.
- Italy
- christian@devlancer.it
Diploma of accountant programmer
2007 - 2012
IIS Silvio Ceccato, Montecchio Maggiore, Vicenza (Italy)
I have studied IT subjects related to the law and economics aspects.
Professional Experience
Full Stack Web Developer
2016 - 2023
Forma Srl, Italy
- Websites development using the most known languages (HTML, CSS, Javascript, PHP, SQL)
- Creating the front-end of several websites starting from graphic materials (Invision, Figma, Adobe XD, PSD, PDF)
- Yes, you read correctly, I wrote "graphic materials" and "PDF" on the same line. I have also worked with graphics made in JPG, do I need to say more? 😩
- Developing accessible, responsive, user-friendly and modern interfaces and web applications
- Managing several works and tasks for different projects at the same time
- Solving server and email related problems
Apprentice salesman
2013 - 2015
FPM Srl, Italy
- Front office, back office, warehouse management
- Customer service, shipping, logistics
- Keeping relationships with customer and suppliers
- Data-entry in the company's website
Apprentice salesman
September-December, 2012
Passantino’s Family Market Country Mart, Kansas
- Lane management, helpdesk
- Office and cash management
Employee internship
May-June, 2011
Metallika Espositori, Italy
- Managing documents and invoices
- Helping at the workshop
UDEMY: Create 3D JavaScript Game (5 hours)
Learn BabylonJS by making your first 3D RPG game
View the BabylonJS certificate from Udemy
UDEMY: Unreal Engine 5 for Beginners: Building a tiny Resource Game (5 hours)
Dive into Game Development with Unreal Engine 5 Blueprints and write your very own little Resource Gathering Game!
UDEMY: Golang: Learn Go Programming Language and Go Recipes (2.5 hours)
2 Course in 1. Learn the Fundamentals of The Go Programming Language & Go Recipes.
View the Golang Certificate from Udemy
UDEMY: C# Basics for Absolute Beginners in C# and .NET (2.5 hours)
A guide to learning the fundamentals of C# .NET programming for beginners in C# for starting a C# .NET career
View the C# Certificate from Udemy
UDEMY: Rust & WebAssembly with JS (TS) - The Practical Guide (13.5 hours)
Learn to code in Rust. Compile the code to WebAssembly. Prepare JS/TS frontend and create browser-based Snake game.
View the Rust Wasm Certificate from Udemy
AGID: CITIZEN INCLUSION - User Experience Design for digital accessibility (4 hours)
Improving the accessibility of digital public services
View the certificate released by AGID
AGID: CITIZEN INCLUSION - Disability Management (4 hours)
Improving the accessibility of digital public services
I have improved and renewed my knowledge regarding web accessibility for State digital services
View the certificate released by AGID
Udemy: CodeIgniter 4 (10 hours)
Build a complete web application from scratch
I have learned how to use CodeIgniter and used this knowledge to start building a project!
Udemy: PhalconPHP Framework (6 hours)
Learn PhalconPHP Framework
This is a framework served as a PHP extension written in C, making it very fast and reliable!
Udemy: NodeJS Complete Guide (40+ hours)
Master NodeJS, build REST APIs, GraphQL APIs and more!
I have learned how to use NodeJS by creating an MVC application with MongoDB, using Mongoose and Compass, creating APIs and using TypeScript and Deno.
View my NodeJS certificate from Udemy
Udemy: Symfony 6 Hands-on (10+ hours)
Learn the Symfony 6 PHP Framework using most modern PHP 8.
I have learned how to use the Symfony Framework to build applications.
View my Symfony certificate from Udemy
Udemy: PHP 8 and MySQL, the complete guide for web developers (35+ hours)
2018 - 2022
Learn PHP8 step by step, creating projects like a CMS and MVC with MySQL and Boostrap.
I have completed this course in 2018 initially, and then caught up to the latest lessons in 2022 in order to be up-to-date with the new features, with a total of 35+ hours of learning.
View my PHP8 certificate from Udemy
Introduction to Web Accessibility by W3Cx (20 hours)
Accessibility is essential for individuals and organizations that want to create high-quality websites and apps
I have completed the 20 hours course made by W3Cx and I have years of experience on working with accessible websites.
View my Web Accessibility Certificate
Google Data Studio
Data Studio is an online tool for converting data into customizable informative reports and dashboards
I have experience in using this tool to display analytics data from differentes sources.
View my Google Data Studio Certification
Udemy: Woocomerce basics (2.5 hours)
Creating an e-commerce with Wordpress
I wanted to get a basic knowledge about WooCommerce to understand how it works and how to use it.
Udemy: Blockchain (4.5 hours)
Bitcoin, Ethereum, Smart Contracts, Tokens, ICO
I now have a basic knowledge around the Blockchain theme. Lastly, I have also learned some things about the Solidity language for smart contracts.
Udemy: Getting Started with PHP 7 (4 hours)
Increase your productivity by learning the new features of PHP 7
I have learned the new features introduced by PHP 7, the SOLID principles and the standard Design Patterns.
View my PHP7 certificate from Udemy
Udemy: Learn Database Design using PostgreSQL (5.5 hours)
The Ultimate Guide to master the world's most advanced Open Source Database
I have learned basic and advanced concepts regarding PostgreSQL, to better understand how to work with this RDBMS.
Google Mobile Websites
I already knew how to create responsive websites for mobile devices, but now even Google says I do!
Google Adwords Display Network
Google Adwords (now Google Ads) is an online advertising platform.
Google Analytics Individual Qualification
Google Analytics is a web analytics service that tracks and reports website traffic.
View my Google Analytics Individual Qualification
I have used both Universal Analytics and GA4. Alternatively, I also have experience with Matomo.
Here is a list of some of the websites I have worked on so far, both on the front-end and back-end sides.
In particular, I have deployed the graphical template in HTML and CSS, while integrating it with the CMS and database.
Ente Nazionale Aviazione Civile -
City of Vicenza -
L&L Luce&Light -
Infinityfly -
Aquaforte Vicenza -
Riva dei Frati -
Salmeri Assicurazioni -
Unesco Vicenza Ville Venete -
AIM Energy -
AIM Gruppo -
AIM Ambiente -
AIM Mobilità -
Servizi a Rete -
ITS Italia -
Biblioteca Bertoliana -
Musei Civici Vicenza -
La Vigna International Library -
Alcmeone -
Clinica Veterinaria Pedrani -
Celemasche -
University of Padua -
ViMacchine -
Here are some of the services I can offer you. Can't find what you are looking for? Ask me anyway, I'll tell you what I know!
Website Development
I can work with your team on your project to create the website you need.
Are you developing something in Laravel? I can help you.
I have developed Swiccy.it with CodeIgniter
I also use the Symfony framework to create applications.
Using Wordpress or any other CMS? I know a things or two about them...
Want to boost traffic to your website? I will help you at my best!
Web Accessibility
Need someone to help your team on an accessible web site or application? I am here and ready to begin!
Do you wish to setup Matomo, or are you in need of some help with it? Email me the details and we can work on it!
Here is my rate table. If you have a project to make me work on, please contact me directly!
The rates below are based on the average Tech Salary for 2023 and for 2022 by Talent.io (view the full report on Talent.io) and are adjusted to the Italian market.
Hourly | Daily (8 hrs) | Project | |
Front-end development | 45 € | 340 € (-5%) | Contact me |
Back-end development | 50 € | 380 € (-5%) | Contact me |
SEO | 45 € | 340 € (-5%) | Contact me |
Web accessibility | 80 € | 610 € (-5%) | Contact me |
I can work hourly or daily, based on your needs and preferences. The daily price is considered for 8 hours.
Example: For front-end development, 10 hours will cost the total of (1 day + 2 hours) -> (340 + 90) = 430 €.
If you have a project that needs more human resources, just contact me so that I can ask you more details and give you a personalized quotation.
Personal Projects
In my free time I like to work on some projects. Some of them are still in development, at a early or experimental stage, but I hope they can help you get an idea of what my current knowledge is.
A lightweight Javascript plugin for showing image previews on file inputs
This project is open source -
A small experimental open source Framework that I use as a CMS, written in PHP
This project is open source -
An open source PHP Library to generate random passwords
This project is open source -
Wordpress Google Search Engine
Wordpress plugin to use Google Search API as a search engine in your website
This project is open source -
PHP Google Search Engine
Add a custom open source search engine on your website using Google Search API
This project is open source -
PHP Youtube Search API
A PHP library to add Youtube Videos on your website using Youtube Search API
This project is open source -
A project and a blog about videogames and animes
A work-in-progress open source project made in Laravel to post reviews on videogames
This project is open source -
A work-in-progress blog talking about coding and web development!
Send me an e-mail with your requests and questions, I will get back to you as soon as possible!
(+39) 3202960192
Do you need a web developer for your project? Contact me and I will make my skills available to your needs!